

 Image result for free xmas moving scene for kidsWhat a year 2017 has been.  Every one of our Gymnasts have grown not only in height but in confidence and gained more skills.  Special Olympics showed just how hard our gymnast had worked bringing back a massive haul of medals.  We should also remember our coaches who put so much time and effort into training.  The Display team rocked the London Festival.  WELL DONE EVERYONE! 

2018 - Predictions: 

We predict fun that could be right up your alley, it may even bowl you over?  or maybe a challenge!

1.  A bowling evening for all.  Two rounds of bowling plus a meal.   If you are interested please enter your name on the form in the gym and how many in your party.  Bring your family/friends or come on your own and join the fun.  Once we have an idea of numbers, we will let you know the date and time.

2.  Quiz night with fish and chip supper.  This is again subject to numbers.  Please let the gym know. 

Both events have been great fun and very successful in the past. 

Image result for latest xmas gymnastic scene for kids 



Thank you everyone for your support throughout the year.  We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.





The Club needs your help!

  • "Treasurer and Admin/Secretary positions still available" see Vacancies tab for details - good  experience/opportunity for anyone returning to work or looking to enhance their CV.

  • Please let Kay know if you can help (collect fees etc.) on Saturday.

  • Check out our "Shop as you Give" Tab above!! Make a difference!

  • Sunday


    Poole Open Competition - October 2017

    Just a reminder that the gym is closed on Saturday 7th October as we are all in Poole at the Poole Open Competition.     Good luck to everyone taking part!

    Gymnasts: Warm up times for next weekend are as follows:

    Saturday              1.30 p.m.   Rhythmic and trampoline              
    Sunday                9.00 a.m. 

    Gymnasts should wear club kit.  Sheffield leotards can also be worn.


    Please remember to register/insure your gymnast on the British Gymnast website.    You should be able to do this from Sunday 1.10.17 and its important that you pay the club first, then register on-line.    BG will inform us once this is complete.     

    Gymnasts taking part in either the Poole competition or the London Festival MUST do this .... your gymnast will not be insured and will not be able to take part if this is not done.

    Please read the letter sent home on Saturday (or during the week) and follow the instructions in this.     If you have any queries please talk to either Kay or Frances.



    Summer Activity Weeks

    Falcon Spartak GC will be holding week long courses during the schools Summer Holiday – we will have access to full men’s and women’s artistic apparatus as well as Rhythmic equipment and trampolining. If you have never tried it before why not come along and join us? The Club is based at Hurstmere School, Hurst Road, Sidcup (in the Sports Hall)

    Monday     14 August to Friday 18 August              10.00 a.m. - 12 noon
    Monday     21 August to Friday 25 August              10.00 a.m. - 12 noon

    If you are interested in joining one (or more) of the classes please telephone Kay, Senior Coach, Falcon Spartak on 07967 346060 to reserve a place.

    2 hr class for 5 days   £25.00 per week
    or £6.50 per session 

    The Activity Weeks will be open to any ability including those with any learning/physical or sensory impairment.

    Wheelchair users are welcome.


    FUN DAY 

    Thank you to everyone who came along to our Fun Day on Saturday and a big thank you to all the volunteers who made it a success.  It was a great day full of fun and laughter.

    Congratulations to all those who won prizes.  Watch this space for unclaimed raffle ticket numbers and an upate on how much we raised!


    Other News!

    During the month of May 2017, we raised £89.00 in donations from the refreshment table.  Stunning and thank you.  All proceeds are used to help the club.

    Thank you to all those who bought tickets for the Easter Raffle which also raised £64.50 for the club.


    Please continue to visit our website (link below) as we continue to raise funds to send our Special Olympiads to represent Falcon Spartak at the Sheffield Olympics -